Professore Associato

Giovanni Stilo


Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Reinforcement Learning for:
- Anomaly Detection
- Network Medicine
- Recommender Systems
- Agents Control
- Bias and Fairness

07 Algoritmi, Strutture Dati, Ricerca Operativa, Intelligenza Artificiale
INF/01 - Informatica
Computer Science and Operations Research

Curriculum External site   Scholar DBLP MathSciNet Scopus Research Gate

Giovanni Stilo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of L'Aquila. He received his PhD. in Computer Science in 2013, and in 2014 he was a visiting researcher at Yahoo! Labs in Barcelona. Between 2015 and 2018, he was a researcher in the Computer Science Department at La Sapienza University, in Rome. His research interests are in the areas of machine learning and data mining, and specifically reinforcement learning, anomaly detection,  temporal mining, social network analysis, network medicine, and semantics-aware recommender systems. He has organized several international workshops, held in conjunction with top-tier conferences (ICDM, CIKM, and ECIR), and he is involved as editor and reviewer of top-tier journals, such as TITS, TKDE, DMKD, AI, KAIS, and AIIM.






Orario Ricevimento / Student hours:

  • It will be scheduled accordingly with the students' necessity;




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